North Saskatchewan Regiment Pipes and Drums

Memories 2014

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In Memoriam

The band entered its very first competition under the present structure with a view to being adjudicated and graded. For most of us this was something new and different - to play in front of judges, experience some pressure, and get a feeling of what a competition is like.

Under the command of acting PM Craig Shirley the band assembled at the Wildwood School on Sat, Nov 29. After tuning up in one of the gyms and being briefed, 14:00 rolled around - it was show time! Off to the main gym we went and formed up. PM Craig was greeted by the judge, 
and then came the command: 

"by the right - quick, march!"

On we went with the march medley: Andrew Warnock/Lord Lovat's Lament/Crags Of Tumbledown Mountain. March down to the pre-arranged spot, halt, mark time, inward turn. Within 4 minutes it was all over - reform ranks, counter-march, and out. Whew..........!

Now for the moment of truth - the judges' comments. 

The comments were positive, constructive, and helpful in pointing out our strengths and what could be improved upon. In short the judges were very impressed not only with our performance but also with our look which was described as very professional. Their recommendation: Grade 4 (we had entered as grade 5). Quite an accomplishment.

PM Campbell, who was an observer for this event, expressed his appreciation and pride when he said 
"you all delivered on the whole package - well done!"

More to come in 2015!




Terry Fox run - 2014

Cool, drizzly day, but we were honoured to play for such a great cause.